Privacy Policy

We are committed to respecting your data privacy and providing transparency about our data practices. This Privacy Policy (this “Privacy Policy”) explains Voice Memos - Recorder Audio (“Company” or “we” or “us”) collects, stores, uses, transfers and discloses Personal Data from our users (“you”) in connection with the Company mobile application and related services (collectively, the “App”).

Your continued use of the App after the effective date of an updated version of the Privacy Policy will indicate your acceptance of the Privacy Policy as modified. In some cases, you will have to explicitly accept changes to Privacy Policy to continue using the App. We encourage you to periodically review our website for the latest information on our data privacy practices. If you do not accept the terms of the Privacy Policy, we ask that you do not use the App. Please exit the App immediately and delete it if you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


When you install the Service on your device and register, personally identifiable information about you may be collected during the download process for the Service (as requested during the download process) and when you register with us. For registration, you are required to provide your your email address, city location, gender, name, depending on the device(s) you are using on the Service. You may also provide personally identifiable information, but that is optional. When you log in using your Facebook account, we may collect additional information you make available to us (see "Your User Profile" below).

In addition, when you install the Service on your device and register, you may will be asked to allow us access to your address book. If you consent, we will have access to contact information in your address book on the device you use for the Service (names, numbers, emails, and Facebook IDs, but not notes or other personal information in your address book) and we will store them on our servers and use them to help you use the Service. For example, by synchronizing your contacts between different devices you may want to use with the Service.

We may also collect and gather non-personally identifiable information, such as certain profile information including country of residence and preferences. In addition, we may collect and store information about your and others’ usage of and interaction with the Service and our websites, including matches, numbers of matches made by members, match durations, text messages, usage by geographies, device and connection information, IP address, device capability, bandwidth, statistics on page views, network type and traffic to and from our websites.

Our applications allows you to share text messages, photos, screenshots, videos and other communications in the application with other users, and if you choose to do so your text messages, photos, screenshots, videos and other communications will be stored on our servers. In addition, if you choose to share these items with other users, we may not be able to remove them from our servers or make them unavailable to anyone you have shared them with. Sending and sharing text messages, photos, screenshots, videos or other communications in the application is your decision. By choosing to share that information, you should understand that you may no longer be able to control how that information is used and that it may become publicly available (depending in part on your actions or the actions of others with whom you have shared the information). We are not responsible for any use or misuse of information you share. . In addition, in case your conversation partner reports your abusive behavior or language to us, then the conversation information such as voices, screenshots or contents of conversation which have been stored only on your partner's device may be transferred to our servers. Such transferred information will be processed by us to ascertain the genuineness of the report and determine your penalty levels, if needed.

We may also collect and gather user contents (e.g., photos, screenshots, comments, and other materials) that you create on the Service. Your photo can be taken by other users on our services, and If they use capturing function provided by us, those photos can be stored and used for our services and 3rd party’s service (e.g. Facebook, etc.). If you do not agree with all the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service.To complete a commerce transaction on shop, you will be requested to provide your payment information, including your credit card number, card expiration date, CVV code, and billing address. In that event, we will transmit your information securely directly to a third party vendor or merchant who will collect such information in order to process and fulfill your purchase. We do not process or store your payment information. However, we may store other information about your purchases made on the Service, which may include the merchant’s name, the date, time and amount of the transaction and other behavioral information.

We also collect error-reporting information if the Service crashes or hangs up so that we can investigate the error and improve the stability of the Service for future releases. In general these reports do not contain personally identifiable information, or only incidentally. As part of these error reports, we receive information about the type and version of your device, the device identifier, the time the error occurred, the feature being used and the state of the application when the error occurred. We do not use this information for any purpose other than investigating and fixing the error.

2. How do we use your information?

1.The main reason we use your information is to deliver and improve the service. Read on for a more detailed explanation of the various reasons we use your information:

– to operate and update the Software and the Service, and provide you with existing and new functionality and features;

– to improve and customize the Software and the Service;

– to maintain, test, monitor and improve the quality and operation of the Software;

– to take any action in case of a dispute involving you in connection with the Software and the Service;

– to comply and satisfy any applicable law regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request.

2.If any new purposes for processing your information arise, we will let you know we will start to process information on that other purpose by introducing the corresponding changes to this Privacy policy.


1.We will share your information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy.

2.We will not rent or sell your personal information to the third- party, but for your better use of the services provided by third-party organizations, we may share your information with third-party organizations that provide automatic data processing technologies for the Software or providing service to the Software. We do not have power to control or influence these third- parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. Therefore, if you do not want to share your personal information with any third-party organizations, please do not use such services provided by those third-party organizations.

3.We may disclose your personal information if needed for objective reasons, due to public interest or in other unforeseen circumstances

4.Access, modification and deletion of your information

In compliance with legal provisions, you have a general right to access, edit and delete your personal information which has been collected pursuant to your access to and/or use of the Service. In order to exercise this right, please contact us through the email displayed below.

5.Security of your personal information

1.The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it.

2.Unfortunately, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. We do our best to protect your personal information. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee its absolute security. In the event that your personal information is compromised as a breach of security, we will promptly notify you in compliance with applicable law.

If you have any questions about security of the Software, you can contact us through the email displayed below.


The Service is not directed to children under the age of thirteen (13) and we do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Service. If we become aware that we have inadvertently received personally identifiable information from a user under the age of thirteen as part of the Service, we will delete such information from our records. If we change our practices in the future, we will obtain prior, verifiable parental consent before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of thirteen as part of the Service.


Any information that we collect is subject to the privacy policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may, however, modify and revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, weʼll notify you of such changes by posting them on the Services or by sending you a notification and weʼll indicate when such changes will become effective.

Please contact us if you have any questions about our Privacy Policy.


If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via email at "".